In the fast-paced, content-congested CyberWorld that is today, quantity often supersedes quality. The pressure for a company or publication to post as much if not more content than its competitors generally results in them overlooking the quality of their content. I totally get the pressure for small business and solopreneurs to keep up with the big companies who have the resources to get exponentially more work done in the same amount of time, but I don't think it's beneficial for any company to overlook the quality of their content just for the sake of putting something out there before the competition.
I also get that many startups and small businesses don't have the budget to hire editors for every little blog or social media post, so they might get that employee with the English degree to do their editing. Though I still advocate the use of professional editors for the important content, this is the most basic checklist you'll need to "be your own editor" and ensure that no matter how tight your budget or deadline, you can at least rest assured that you've checked all your boxes and put out your best quality.
(You can also download the file at the bottom of the page.)